Looking to adopt a cat or kitten?
Adopt From Trap Dat Cat. All cats adopted through us are spayed/neutered, vaccinated (age appropriate), combo tested, microchipped, dewormed, and treated for fleas. A $100 adoption fee covers the cost of these services. If you are interested in adopting from us, you can fill out an adoption application online by clicking the link below, or you can print out the adoption application, fill it in, and then email it back to us. We will contact you to discuss further details.
We also partner with many cat/kitten rescues around the city who place our kittens for adoption. The LA SPCA, Tomato Club, Zeus' Rescues, and Big Easy Animal Rescue all offer cats and kittens for adoption. You must contact them for details on their adoption process.
Adopt From LA SPCA
Adopt From Tomato Club
Adopt From Zeus Rescues
Adopt From Big Easy Animal Rescue (BEAR)
Need help with a cat or kitten you adopted from us? Email us at trapdatcat.yahoo.com.
Bringing Home Your New Kitten: a great resource article for new kitten parents! CLICK HERE
Microchip Information:
All cats microchipped directly through Trap Dat Cat will be registered with 24 Petwatch microchip registry. It is a free microchip registry that you can access and update your information at any time.
You should have received instructions on how to access your account. If you did not, please email us for that information at trapdatcat@yahoo.com.
Spay/Neuter Instructions:
PRE-OP INSTRUCTIONS (if applicable):
Drop off time is 7:30 AM on the morning of the appointment. Please contact us to find out where you will be dropping off. Pick‐up time is after 5:00 PM that same afternoon. Again, check with us before pick up to determine if your cat is ready and where it should be picked up.
Food must be removed by 11:00 PM the night before the surgery. It is okay to give water.
Each animal will need to be brought in its own carrier or covered trap. Carriers must be hard sided (plastic). No canvas or soft sided carriers will be allowed. This is for your pet’s safety.
Label carrier with owner’s name, address, and phone number, pet’s name, and description of pet.
No personal items. Carriers must be lined with newspaper or training pads. No beds, blankets, toys, or leashes/collars.
Your pet may be sleepy for the remainder of the day. Please let him/her rest. Provide a quiet indoor place for your pet to feel safe and comfortable. If your pet is still groggy, keep them in their carrier until they are able to walk well.
NO food or water until after 5:00 PM, and not until your pet is awake and stable, at which time you may offer only a small amount of each. If they tolerate the first small feeding, you may feed them another small amount a few hours later. Do not change the diet of your pet. Resume normal feeding the next day after surgery.
NO bath for 10 days after surgery. Keep the surgery site clean and dry.
Try to restrict your pet’s activity for the next 14 days. DO NOT encourage jumping, running or playing for at least two weeks following surgery.
If stitches are present, they are dissolvable. Depending on the type used, they will dissolve and fall out on their own in a few weeks to a month. If your pet licks or pulls at the stitches, try to distract them. If they continually do so, they will need an e-collar, which can be purchased at any pet supply store.
Monitor your pet's eating patterns. If they refuse to eat or drink for over 24 hours, please contact your local veterinarian.
Monitor your pet's elimination patterns. If they do not urinate or have a bowel movement for over 24 hours, please contact your local veterinarian.
If your pet received vaccinations, they may feel a little under the weather for a day or two, but they should still eat, drink, and use the litterbox normally. Please monitor for signs of an allergic reaction, such as: swelling of the face, vomiting, difficulty breathing, or lethargy.
Females should be kept separate from males. If your cat was in heat prior to surgery, it will take a few days for the hormone levels to drop.
Your pet was given a medication for pain during the surgery. It can sometimes make your pet seem confused or agitated for a little while. If your pet seems uncomfortable at any time, please call your local veterinarian. DO NOT GIVE human medications to your pet. It is dangerous and can be fatal.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Look at the incision site today. This is what is considered normal. Mild bruising may be present. Check the incision site twice daily. If you notice green/yellow discharge, a bad odor, excessive redness, swelling, bruising, tenderness, bleeding, or the incision site is starting to open up, IMMEDIATELY take your pet to your local veterinarian or an emergency clinic. Occasionally a small lump or herniation will develop at the site of a female’s spay incision. This is usually okay, AS LONG AS THERE ARE NO OTHER SYMPTOMS, AND IT DOES NOT CONTINUE TO GET BIGGER. If there is any accompanying discharge, odor, redness, or pain at the site, IMMEDIATELY take your pet to your local veterinarian or an emergency clinic.
SEEK VETERINARIAN CARE IMMEDIATELY IF YOU SEE: Lethargy for more than a day, vomiting, profuse diarrhea, stumbling or weakness lasting more than the first day, pale or white gums, decreased appetite, failure to eliminate within 24 hours, or open incision.
OUTSIDE CATS: Outside and community cats may be released the next morning after being fed. Please keep them in a covered trap or carrier overnight, inside if possible, or outside in a quiet, safe place that is protected from the elements.
LA SPCA Community Clinic, 504-363-1333, 1700 Mardi Gras Blvd, New Orleans, LA, 70114, www.la-spca.org
Wisdom Animal Hospital, 504-571-5128, 4421 Jefferson Hwy, Jefferson, LA, 70121, https://wisdomanimalhospital.com
East Riverside Veterinary Hospital, 504-552-3784, 3969 Tchoupitoulas St, New Orleans, LA, 70115, www.eastriversidevet.com
Southern Animal Foundation, 504-671-8235, 1823 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70130, www.southernanimalfoundation.org
Avenue Animal Wellness + Emergency, 504-265-8659, 1401 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA, https://www.avenuevet.com/
Metairie Small Animal Hospital, 504-835-4266, 101 Metairie Road, Metairie, LA, https://www.msah.com/
MedVet Animal Emergency Clinic, 504-835-8508, 2315 N. Causeway Blvd, Metairie, LA, https://www.medvetforpets.com/
Pet Care Center, 504-887-2999, 2212 David Drive, Metairie, LA, https://www.petcarecenterinc.com/